If you charge the phone with someone else's charger

If you charge the phone with someone else's charger

Every day there is such a rush to leave the office that one forgets to take something. If you remember in the middle of the road, you have to come back. But don't worry about returning to the phone or Bluetooth headset charger. On reaching the office, you will find someone's phone charger. The charger type is the same even if it's a phone from a different company. So there is no fear that the phone battery will run out of charge and turn off. Apart from that, recently various companies have also brought 'multiple' chargers into the market. With which any type of phone can be charged. But are they really good for the phone's battery?

Technical experts say that the charger that comes in the box when buying a phone is made to suit that specific phone. Even if the type is the same, chargers from other companies can put extra stress on the battery.

Problems that can occur if you don't use a specific charger for the phone

If you use another company's charger on one company's phone, it may charge. But after a few days, you will understand the problem of battery retention.

Source: TechCommittee

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